Thursday 1 July 2010


Not very good at this blogging malarky! Latest news:

Baby bump - ever expanding and kicking. My four year old keeps asking very pertinent questions about how baby gets out. My favourite so far: the new baby will have to be very small to get out of your mouth mummy... Logical if you think about it. Food goes in mouth, enters tummy. Baby in tummy, comes out mouth. LOL! Very glad it doesn't come out of my mouth! Have actually been trying to explain how baby does come out, and have ordered some books to help me explain.

Blankets: sister-in-law's baby girl was born on Sunday. Blanket nearly ready, yellow and flecked white wool. I'm quite pleased with the combination...

Work: nuff said. Caseload huge, time available minimal, and the best bit - pay will be frozen for the next 2 years. Don't you just love the NHS?!

My babies are now 4 and 2. So big in so many ways, yet so small in others. They are both cuddly little people, for which I'm very grateful - keeps us connected. The two year old has just started copying his big brother who's in the throes of the 'why' phase. I'm so in awe of how this little man is picking up language so easily. It really puts a whole new perspective on the children on my caseload...

Discipleship course is going slowly - but really enjoying it, and learning a lot from it.

Coming soon in our lives: new-to-us car to fit in 3 car seats, new house - lots of change. At least my God doesn't change, even though all around does. His blessings are new every morning. :D

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Oh dear!

Hmmm... It's been a while since I last posted anything. Maybe I'm not a natural blogger... Updates then:

- I'm pregnant! - due some time in October. Delighted about the news, but now in the process of getting house ready for selling. Could explain lack of blogging time...
- Working on more blankets. One for my sister in law (due July), one for another baby - haven't decided whose yet!
- Work - stupidly busy. I'm back to working 2 days instead of 2.5, and running a 5 day a week caseload. Go figure!
- My boys - nearly 4 and nearly 2. How did that happen. Nearly 4 keeps talking about being 5 - why such a rush to grow up?!
- discipleship - running a discipleship group with 3 friends. So far so good - praying for a really fulfilling time together, learning about God.

Sure there's more... brain is sleepy...

back soon

Thursday 4 February 2010


Woohoo! Finished the blanket! And, if I say so myself, it's beautiful. Almost tempting to keep it for any future babies we may have, but that wouldn't be fair. It was made with love for baby R, and baby R will have it. He's finally here: 19 days late, and then had a tough start in life with a suspected infection, then thrush, and weight-gaining concerns. He's home now, and his new parents are settling into real life with a newborn. Could make some people broody... Don't tell hubby though - he'll freak! Will post a picture of the blanket once I get myself organised enough to take one!

In other news, I mentioned that I'd been taking part in an Alpha group at our church. Well, one of my friends decided to follow Jesus last week! I'm so excited, and so is she. It's been such a priveledge watching and taking part in her journey towards faith. :D

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Things that matter to me

These are things I may well post about some other time - more for me working out my thought processes than anything else.

faith - Christianity, emergent church, Alpha, relationship with Jesus
parenting - attachment theories
breastfeeding - very important part of my parenting
marriage - fantastic husband, but any relationship needs nurturing
depression - first this was living with someone with depression, now it's living with depression
work - causes me joy and mega frustration (am a speech & language therapist)
books - I'm a book addict (just ask daddymaker!)
and, of course, my various making projects

I'm sure there's more, but that's enough to be going along with!

Another post...

Well, here's another post. The blanket.

It's getting there... Slowly... Said friend still hasn't had her baby - she's now 42+2. Latest news is that she's booked in for a section on Thursday. Not what she wanted, I think, but baby is all too comfy inside, and in no rush to come out visiting this big old world. Mind you... I could see it's point some days!

There's still hope then, that the blanket will be finished soon. Had planned to do a gender-specific border round the edge, but obviously that needs to wait until the gender has been revealed!

this is waffle!


Thursday 7 January 2010


So... I've made a blog... Not sure if I'll ever let anyone else see this, or if it will just be a vehicle for my random thoughts and making ideas... We'll see.

Anyways, hello! I'm MummyMaker - because I'm a mummy who likes to make things. I've got two small boys - 3 and a half and 1 and a half. My current making project is crochet. A friend is having a baby any time now, so I'm making a blanket. That could be the subject for another post, perhaps... hmmm. who knows. New to this...